2-Week (Online) Intensive Learning Period on Forest-based Bioeconomy

~ with virtual events & excursions ~

hosted by Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture & Forestry, Viet Nam

7 – 18 June 2021

After several postponements of the third summer school due to the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we decided to hold the event online. We have worked hard to develop a schedule and media platforms which maximize opportunities for close interaction with an international group of students and teachers. In addition to the 2-week intensive learning period there are orientation events planned on May 31st and June 1st. Events and excursions will highlight the local forest ecosystems in and around Thai Nguyen Province in northern Viet Nam.

Content: The BioEcoN Summer Schools equip students with knowledge and skills required to help mold and navigate in the rapidly developing field of sustainable forest-based bioeconomy, particularly in SE Asia and Europe. They provide a platform to discuss this topic in a highly interdisciplinary and inspiring atmosphere among many international scholars and lecturers. Participants will learn new methods, tools and technologies from various disciplines. Link to Course Topics

Further Information

Download the schedule here (subject to change).

Please check with your local BioEcoN representative or email bioecon[at]hnee.de if interested in participating!

2-Week BioEcoN Intensive Learning Period 02-15 February 2020 at University of Valladolid, Spain

The second of three BioEcoN “summer schools” was held 2 – 15 February 2020 at the University of Valladolid (UVa) in Palencia, Spain. Each summer school provides an opportunity to:

  • gain knowledge in the field of sustainable forest-based bioeconomy
  • participate in the BioEcoN project as evaluators of new course material
  • study in an international setting with peers from across Europe and Vietnam
  • receive subsidized travel and living costs for 2 weeks of study


The BioEcoN Summer Schools equip students with knowledge and skills required to help mold and navigate in the rapidly developing field of sustainable forest-based bioeconomy, particularly in SE Asia and Europe. They provide a platform to discuss this topic in a highly interdisciplinary and inspiring atmosphere among many international scholars and lecturers. Participants will learn new methods, tools and technologies from various disciplines.

During the learning period, students gain relief from intensive frontal lectures and group work in-class through participation in numerous practice-oriented training exercises. A few examples are shown below!

Intensive Learning Period participants learning the basics of bee-keeping, hands-on.
Introduction to the Chaparral biome (from “chaparro”, Spanish for evergreen oak scrubland)

VNUF hosts international conference on sustainable forestry and bio-economy 12-13 November 2019

The Vietnam National University of Forestry in Hanoi is hosting an international conference titled “Linkage of higher education, research and international integration to sustainable forest resources management and bioeconomy”.

The conference takes place 12 – 13 November 2019 and has attracted numerous prominent scientists and policy makers from the fields of forestry, forest resources management, bioeconomy and biodiversity. Approximately 350 guests from 18 countries are expected to attend. The conference is synergistic with the aims of the BioEcoN project, which will be presented in a plenary session by a BioEcoN project consortium member and as a banner.

For more information please contact BioEcoN partner Hoang Van Sam at or visit the web page here.

1st BioEcoN Summer School 15-28 September 2019 in Vietnam

The first of three BioEcoN summer schools will be held 15 – 28 September 2019 at Vietnam National University of Forestry, Hanoi, Vietnam. Each summer school provides an opportunity to:

  • gain knowledge in the field of sustainable forest-based bioeconomy
  • participate in the BioEcoN project as evaluators of new course material
  • study in an international setting with peers from across Europe and Vietnam
  • receive subsidized travel and living costs for 2 weeks of study


The BioEcoN Summer Schools equip students with knowledge and skills required to help mold and navigate in the rapidly developing field of sustainable forest-based bioeconomy, particularly in SE Asia and Europe. They provide a platform to discuss this topic in a highly interdisciplinary and inspiring atmosphere among many international scholars and lecturers. Participants will learn new methods, tools and technologies from various disciplines.

Development Meeting in Mikkeli, Finland (June 2019)

The South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences hosted the 3rd development meeting of the BioEcoNet consortium June 10-14, 2019.

The main objectives of the meeting were to complete the internal and external review process of draft curriculum materials and prepare for final revisions and implementation of the eLearning platform. Participants had the opportunity to visit the Metsä Group’s Äänekoski bioproduct mill, the largest wood-processing plant in the Northern Hemisphere and a global pioneer in sustainable bio-economy.

Final preparations were also made for delivery of the BioEcoN courses to students at three upcoming intensive learning periods (“summer schools”). Summer school courses will be taught by developers of the BioEcoN curriculum and hosted by partners VNUF (Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-27 Sept. 2019), UVa (Palencia, Spain, 3-14 Feb. 2020) and TUAF (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, 16-27 March 2020).

Artcile highlights the BioEcoN project

The BioEcoN project presented by Prof. Huong at DAAD networking forum, and highlighted as an exemplary cooperation project between European and SE Asian countries.

English version of the article

German version of the article

BioEcoN Transfer Meeting in Eberswalde (12/2018)

Guests from Poland and Finland joint a BioEcoN meeting in Eberswalde. The workshop on 12th of December 2018 informed the public on the project and its’ activities. Most interest focused on timber, its production and connected processes in a bio-economy. Thanks to all who joint!

BioEcoN launched at Vietnam National University (18/9/2018)

On September 18, 2018, the Vice Rector of VNU University of Science – Assoc. Prof. Sc. Dr. Vu Hoang Linh greeted the BioEcoN team members from Vietnam, Germany, Spain and Finland in Hanoi. He underlined that BioEcoN project promotes ecological and economical sustainability in the bio-economy sector at the interface of academic concepts, existing graduate programs as well as required skills and professional expertise. Further, he stated that the project will equip universities and future graduates with the required skills, methodologies and innovation in the growing bio-economy. The project focuses on the level of academic, methodology and institutional skills among all universities through the design and development of a new graduate blended or e-learning programme.During the meeting representatives from partner universities and foreign partners signed a number of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) regarding the implementation of the project. The meeting was organized by Vu Van Manh, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. and his team at VNU University of Science.