The South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences hosted the 3rd development meeting of the BioEcoNet consortium June 10-14, 2019.
The main objectives of the meeting were to complete the internal and external review process of draft curriculum materials and prepare for final revisions and implementation of the eLearning platform. Participants had the opportunity to visit the Metsä Group’s Äänekoski bioproduct mill, the largest wood-processing plant in the Northern Hemisphere and a global pioneer in sustainable bio-economy.

Final preparations were also made for delivery of the BioEcoN courses to students at three upcoming intensive learning periods (“summer schools”). Summer school courses will be taught by developers of the BioEcoN curriculum and hosted by partners VNUF (Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-27 Sept. 2019), UVa (Palencia, Spain, 3-14 Feb. 2020) and TUAF (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, 16-27 March 2020).